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New Research on Learning in Science Lectures Validates What Science Lab Instructors Have Known for Decades

The secret is out! A recent article titled Method is more vital than teacher by AP Science Writer, Seth Borenstein, May 13, 2011, summarized a paper published in the journal Science. The title of the paper Improved Learning in a Large-Enrollment Physics Class by Louis Deslauriers, Ellen Schelew and Carl Wieman (Science 13 May 2011:Vol. 332 no. 6031 pp. 862-864).

The research concluded "students learned a lot more from teaching assistants using interactive tools than they did from a veteran professor giving a traditional lecture".

Lecturers are learning what science lab instructors have know for decades, "students learn best by doing".

MeasureNet Technology has been helping chemistry lab instructors with this goal for over 13 years. MeasureNet's Laboratory Electronic Measurement and Data Collection Technology is used in university chemistry labs by students to measure, store and analyze data they collect doing their lab experiments. This hands on real-time interactive activity helps students reinforce and apply what they have learned in lecture. MeasureNet's patented unique Network design takes this interactive learning to the next level by connecting students to the lab TA or instructor while they are are conducting the experiments all in real-time. Using MeasureNet's real-time monitoring capablities TA's can monitor student experiments to make sure they are conducting the experiments properly. This allows the TA to intervene if they see a problem to make sure the student leaves the lab with good data. The validated data is then up-loaded to MeasureNet's cloud based data storage site for later graphical analysis which will be included in the students lab report.

The MeasureNet system is a product of research conducted at the University of Cincinnati by Robert Voorhees, Estel Sprague and Paul McKenzie.

For more information contact:

Robert Voorhees
President & Founder
Ph: 866.396.6765



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