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MeasureNet's Versatile Colorimeter Part 2





Many types of organic molecules will exhibit a VISIBLE fluorescent “emission” when exposed to high energy ULTRA-VIOLET light to create the “excitation”. This spectro-chemical response is due to the interaction of the energetic UV photons with the loosely-held pi-electrons and other “labile” functional groups in aromatic, olefinic, alkaloidal, xanthinoid and poly-cyclic compounds… and there are many important applications for this little-understood, rarely-taught, under-utilized technology. Using the newest in LED technology, the MeasureNet “Colorimeter” has several “excitation” sources available… with the 375nm UV-LED providing the most useful range of responses for relative fluorescence analyses (since it is very close to the classic 366nm long-wavelength UV from a mercury lamp)… although several alternate user-defined Wavelengths are available from a growing list of LED sources. Please inquire for more information!

When used in the “Fluorometer” mode, the detector is situated at a 90° angle from the UV LED Source, to generate TRUE fluorescent “emission” data without potential interference from the “excitation” wavelength. Laboratory exercises for both qualitative comparisons and quantitative analysis of many materials are possible with the MDBC-138 Dual-Beam Colorimeter. Some applications in Organic Chemistry, Analytical Sciences, Biology/Biochemistry, Environmental and Nutritional Science programs, are highlighted here:

 UV-LED Fluorometry for Single-range EMISSION Values:
• “Zap” UV against Chlorophyll from things that Grow… and see what makes it Glow
• The Highlights of Highlighting Markers: How bright is bright?
• Evaluation of Cigarette Second-Hand Smoke: Nicotine for the Masses in your Breathing    Gases?
• Analysis of Alkaloid Materials like Quinine
• Measure Amino Acids in “Energy Drinks”… Are their labels Accurate 
• Check Ground-Water “Plumes” with Fluoresceine… Water-Table extracts will also be green!


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