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Collaboration Through Spreadsheets

Inside MeasureNet

Inside MeasureNet

Inside MeasureNet tells the story of the MeasureNet Community—most importantly, the stories of its member institutions and users. Subjects discussed include pedagogical approaches, non-conventional experiments, features/capabilities, and innovative applications of the system.

Each episode of Inside MeasureNet uses an embedded Flash audio interface compatible with most browsers (including Internet Explorer and Mozilla FireFox). Bookmark this page for new episodes added regularly.

Collaboration  Through Spreadsheets Interview With Michael Clay College of San Mateo San Mateo, California Length: 0:10:20
Subjects:  Importance of spreadsheets, Live acquisition monitoring, Viewing aggregated student data, Sharing data

MeasureNet Technology Ltd. manufactures patented, network-based data acquisition interfaces for science teaching laboratories. It is a spin-off of the University of Cincinnati's Department of Chemistry and is headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio. Measurenet's award-winning, PC-reducing design helps reduce laboratory maintenance and operational costs while giving students access to high quality shared UV-vis spectroscopy, gas chromatograph and HPLC connectivity, and an array of innovative probeware. Its acclaimed intuitive design provides improved transparency to enable better science-focused learning. Winner of the Ohio Governor's Award For Excellence in Energy Efficiency, MeasureNet networks are found in universities, community colleges, high schools, and vocational training centers across the United States and around the world.

For more information contact:

Len Weibel
Director of Business Development
tel. toll-free: 866-396-6765


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