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Tennessee State chooses network-based MeasureNet

MeasureNet announced in June it has been chosen by Tennessee State University's Department of Chemistry to equip the school's General Chemistry laboratories for data acquisition.

Founded in 1912, Tennessee State primarily served the region's African-American community for many decades. The main Nashville campus began in 1947 as an extension of the University of Tennessee and merged into the former Tennessee State University in 1977 in an effort to dismantle the "duel system of education in Tennessee." Today, the university hosts nearly 6,000 graduate and undergraduate students from a variety of racial and economic backgrounds.

The Chemistry Department is housed in the Boswell Science Complex, a new 60,000 square foot building. It's equipped with state of the art teaching and research facilities, classrooms, chemical storage rooms, PC resource rooms, and library. The department hosts nearly 130 chemistry majors. Five general chemistry labs serve the department and the first MeasureNet Network is scheduled for deployment in the 2005 academic year.

"TSU is a critical step in the expansion of MeasureNet in Tennessee that began with the University of Memphis" says MeasureNet President Robert Voorhees. "We are extremely pleased to have Mohammed Karim and his dedicated colleagues on board."



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