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Community College Equips New Chemistry Labs With MeasureNet

Harper Lab

December 3, 2006

The Chemistry Department of Harper College has selected MeasureNet to provide data acquisition for multiple labs in its General Chemistry Program. Located in Palatine, Illinois, the college was founded in 1965 and its modern 200-acre campus hosts nearly 26,000 students from a diverse range of socio-economic backgrounds.

The Chemistry Department is housed in the new Technology, Mathematics, and Science Division (erected in 2005) and its goals include enhancing science literacy, preparing students for careers as chemistry technicians, and transitioning students to chemistry programs at 4-year institutions. Harper was recently awarded a US$ 3,000,000 National Science Foundation grant for promoting hands-on research at the 2-year college level.

"We're proud to be associated with Harper College," says MeasureNet President Robert Voorhees. "Like MeasureNet, Chemistry at Harper focuses on preparing students for real-world employment and enabling hands-on research. Our networks are highly intuitive for the new learner, yet powerful enough to be used in a variety of research settings. I know we'll be a great fit into the Harper program."

Harper is the third recent community college in the greater Chicago area to adopt MeasureNet. The chemistry departments at the College of Dupage in Glen Ellyn and Triton College in River Grove have both upgraded from PC-based LabWorks® interfaces to MeasureNet networks.

MeasureNet Technology Ltd. manufactures patented, network-based data acquisition interfaces for science teaching laboratories. It is a spin-off of the University of Cincinnati's Department of Chemistry and is headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio. Measurenet's award-winning, PC-reducing design helps reduce laboratory maintenance and operational costs while giving students access to high quality shared UV-vis spectroscopy, gas chromatograph connectivity, and an array of innovative probeware. Its acclaimed intuitive design provides improved transparency to enable better science-focused, not technology-focused, learning. Winner of the Ohio Governor's Award For Excellence in Energy Efficiency, MeasureNet networks are found in universities, community colleges, high schools, and vocational training centers across the United States and around the world.

For more information contact:

Robert Voorhees
tel. toll-free: 866-396-6765

MeasureNet Technology Ltd



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